Tuesday, July 31, 2012

omega 3


In August 2003, researchers in London report that Omega-3 EFAs produce two powerful natural appetite suppressants when taken in fairly large doses (2 capsules, 3 times per day before meals). The appetite suppressant hormones, known as cholecystokinin (CCK) and PYY are both released in the upper part of the small intestines when Omega-3 fat is consumed, helping patients to eat around one-third less calories. This appetite-suppressant effect lasted a full 12 hours.

True or False?

Dosing for fish-oil supplements should be based on the amount of DHA and EPA, not the amount of fish oil. A typical capsule contains .18 g or 180 mg of EPA and .12 g or 120 mg of DHA, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center. NIH states that some research suggests that 6 g daily of a specific fish oil supplement, providing 260 mg of DHA per gram and 60 mg EPA per gram, significantly decreases body fat when combined with exercise.

6 gm/ day again

Monday, July 30, 2012

How do you feel Satiation?

Satiation is the process that ends an eating episode. It controls the meal size and duration.Satiety, on the other hand, is a state of non-hunger and controls subsequent hunger and food intake.

In my searching, I came across the above definition satiation. OK. It makes no sence to me. I have never felt anything but gluttoney,  a desire for more. Do "normal" people actually feel satiation, or is this just another concept? I need to stop after I finish my plate. I do not feel what is described as satiation.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Deprived state of mind

Going through life, thinking that a your diet that deprives you of cake, sugar, wheat would be a tough think indeed.  Going through life knowing these are low grade poisons, and should not be in the food supply, along with trans-fats, lubricants, alcohol, and the like makes some editable products akin to Russian roulette.  No temptation to consume these. End of story. I do not want to eat traces paint thinner either (seed oils), so fast food is out.

No deprivation thinking either. It is all just chemicals. Just avoid the chemicals as best we can.

Ref: http://tesspaleojourney.blogspot.ca/2012/07/i-dont-eat-cake.html

Thursday, July 19, 2012

weight loss cycle

Many people cycle the weight loss diet, go back to eating, gain weight cycle. That will not work unless we are able to go without desired food for extended periods.

Yoni states- " Your best diet is the one that keeps your calories reduced, your hunger at bay, your cravings controlled, and provides you with a regimen that isn’t merely one you can tolerate, but rather one you can honestly enjoy."

What it comes down to is that any diet will work, the trick is staying on that diet long term. Elimination of sugar, flour, wheat, manufactured omega 6 oils, manufactured editable products, which I like to call eatable products, goes a long way. Recognising these foods as poisons, slow acting, removes most of the desire to eat them. 

I am not convinced that cravings are entirely diet induced, or only lack of food induces hunger. Consider how the body reacts to a mild irritation. Does it not dump out a bunch of adrenalin, cortisol and other hormones, and try to deal with the issue fast? When it does, the excess hormones remain? Does it try to digest it fast, and that creates fat, stored energy, just like stress? What of this chronic low grade induced stress created by watching TV, news, whatever, that stimulates us to think? 

Or it all just psychological greed for more? 

Any diet that we can live on that the caloric intake is less than our use will cause weight loss. But some diets are better than others, as Atwater noted something like: "Some of the participants displayed non typical results, and these were ignored, as some error must have occurred." (I cannot lay my hands on the paper now, but it is in the pile somewhere) But was it an error or natural variation? 

While losing weight is more about what we are doing between meals than the meal, as long as we are eating less than we are burning. We need to be more interested in that activity than food, or in a situation which food is not an option, temptation, or even available.

Enjoyment of food is a concept that gets many of us into trouble. We need to consider foods as fuels, not as recreation. Anyone who is put off by food that they do not enjoy does not have a serious weight problem, that is not to say that they may be fat, but if they have the ability to not eat, weight is easily controlled. So Yoni's last statement,  " provides you with a regimen that isn’t merely one you can tolerate, but rather one you can honestly enjoy."  is not for the extremes of the population. We grossly exobese are a self selecting subset of the population, to which standard approaches may not apply. We may need to go to extremes to avoid returning to obesity.

Jimmy Moore is on a Phinney/ Volek regime. (Drs. Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney, a blood ketone level of between 0.5 and 3.0 mM.)
That may be the only way that I can survive.

added later:
Have you ever heard someone say,"I'd rather enjoy my food and die early than eat healthfully and live long"? (but this was from a @#$& veg*an.)
It may come clear when we looking at the negative of Yoni's opinion.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

OMG vs Yoni

From Six Weeks to OMG: Get Skinner Than All Your Friends
  Cold baths: Cold baths in the morning encourages the body to burn stored fat to stay warm, says Fulton. Taking a cold bath in water that’s between 15-20 degrees Celsius will boost metabolism for 12-15 hours. “It’s literally like being a more active person all day,” he writes.
  Skip breakfast: Skip breakfast and jumpstart the body into using stored fat. “Move the body when it has little energy floating around it, and energy will have to come from somewhere. Your body fat.”
  Drink black coffee: Caffeine boosts the central nervous system and on an empty stomach it burns fat more quickly. “Caffeine makes fat cells open up and empty their fat into your bloodstream,” he writes. “From there, fat can be transported to your muscles. Once it arrives at your muscles, they use this liquid fatty fuel to power them.” He suggests up to 200 mg of caffeine (two cups) in the morning and says the effects last for about five hours.
Exercise and move: Don’t get hung up on intensity and duration. Just move. “Moving fast makes you fit, but we’re here for fat. If you move fast, you may burn less calories overall than moving slower and going for longer.” Do exercises that use more muscles because that “equals more calories.” For instance, he suggests walking, rather than skipping, because it uses more muscles. It’s important to move in the morning, and then wait at least three hours before eating because you’ll burn fat during this time.
  Eat meals, not snacks: Eat three meals a day: mid-day, mid-afternoon and early evening. Meals control a person’s appetite because it releases leptin, which signals to the brain that it’s getting full. Snacking leads to overeating. You only burn fat during long gaps between meals. “All that ‘healthy snack’ stuff you hear” he writes, referring to foods such as dried fruit, nuts, bars, yogourts and fruit, “none of it is healthy between meals.”
  Juices and smoothies lead to overeating: Even though fruit contains vitamins, minerals and fibre, it’s high in fructose, which “can cause chaos.” Juices and smoothies “are keeping huge waddling crowds of health-conscious people fat,” he writes. “They might be full of nutrients, but there’s no such thing as an innocent smoothie.”
  Broccoli carbs can be worse than soda carbs: If you want to be skinny, eat less than 120 grams of non-vegetable carbs per day. For some, it makes no difference if they get carbs from a head of broccoli or a can of Coke, says Fulton. It’s the total daily carbs, not the type of carbs, that predict fat loss for some.
Me -- At least Yoni has credentials and his ideas are ok for those without extreme food issues. For some of us, we are just unable to follow his advise. Physiology will overtake philosophy ever time in the end. That is the reason low carb works, it is using physiology to control hunger. All we need to do is keep the carbage out of our bodies. 

http://weightmaven.org/2012/07/18/quote-of-the-day-80/  Beth and Yoni knows what a ideal diet must be ---Your best diet is the one that keeps your calories reduced, your hunger at bay, your cravings controlled, and provides you with a regimen that isn’t merely one you can tolerate, but rather one you can honestly enjoy.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Nanny State or People Lead Occupy Movement / Rebellion

Beth got me thinking again http://weightmaven.org/2012/07/16/if-not-nanny-state-then-what/

If it was good enough for Mohammed, it is good enough for us... but I am not a Moore. Even some undesirable philosophy's have good points for some situations.

Perhaps we need to make a personal choice that we do not need the modern eatable products; become early rejecter of sugar, flours, omega 6 oils and wheat. Just eat real food, and seasonal local fruits.

Perhaps we need to take the time to learn real nutrition facts, and learn to sort "marketing facts" from real "scientific facts", knowing there are good and bad sides to all foods, and make real "science based choices". We can protect ourselves until there is political will to effect real change. First, we must overcome public apathy, and misinformation.

What about those of us who think sugar, flour, wheat, msg, Omega 6 seed oils (chemicals, lubricants, paint thinner), and edible ( or eatable) manufactured products are not real human food? No desire to eat, no deprivation. You people can eat what you want. I will eat real meat and vegetables. Perhaps the odd potato. Real food rebellion or regression to old style eating.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Obesity misinformation

Obesity misinformation is a government conspiracy... well no, they are not that smart or organized, it could be a media...no not likely but possible, but why, or big ag... or big Pharma.... follow the money... or it just happened and we, the low carb community, now need to get militant and straighten out the problem.

The obesity issue benefits the medical industry, the food processing industry and in a general way agriculture industry. We need to eat, but how much.

As summarized by Les, populations are controlled money, media, and might. If we turn the population onto low carb, we need to do this one person at a time by overcoming the media, the wrong information and provide a reason to not eat processed food.

Artificial sweeteners are often pushed as a alternative to sugar, but those are lower calorie but not lifestyle choices.The issue with all carbonated beverages is that ingestion requires calcium to neutralize the acid effect. It must comes from diet or your bones.There is no other choices. Those with potential osteoporosis issues... over 20 years of age... should not be drinking carbonated beverages... in any form.  This should eliminate artificial sweeteners as a rational choice.

A similar concept of changing food choices can be made for elimination of low carb alternatives to cookies, breads, cakes, doe products... pasta, pizza, and the like. Recovery requires a lifestyle choice. Once we renounce carbage, we should not try to keep on eating those same foods that we did before, but totally change to new, (actually 100 year old) style of eating 3 moderate meals a day, meat and vegetable cooked at home, eaten at a table, sitting, with nothing but the plate of food, and others doing the same thing. 

That is purity radical, (misuse intended). But that is what some of us need, having gone from grossly obese to just overweight BMI.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Lifestyle choices

Elimination vs modification...
moderation vs abstinence...
sugar vs artificial sweetners...  
real food vs fake food, ei low carb equivalent, as many of Wheat Belly recipes...

Psychologically, it may be easier to completely give up, radically change rather than make minor changes of alternate and similar food.  This may also reduce the possible of sliding back. Polish Roulette, foot shooting... similar.  http://philosophyofweightmanagement.blogspot.ca/search/label/roulette

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Obesity Reprograming

Changing our spiritual beliefs and core values, that is to say  our most basic of values may be necessary to overcome obesity. I had to take over the cooking in the household completely, else-wise I would get a great hot meal followed by three days of leftovers. To much sugar in everything. That was the choice. No use talking, asking, it made no difference. In fact it made the food worse. I just had to take over and do it for myself. I even had to take over the food shopping. Call that what you like, but it was not support.

There was a core value of mine that said I should not have to go that far, but that had to change. There was another core value that said I should not need to understand digestion of food, the nutrition absorption process, and how the appetite is developed from hunger, cravings, food supply as stored as fat, and the physiological and physical processes involved. Once I started to look at those areas, and the work of  W. Atwater, combined with a bit of chemistry, it became apparent that those that say a calorie is a calorie do not know any organic chemistry, and cannot separate bio-available energy from waste heat generated in a highly exothermic production of water, and the near neutral carbondioxide production.

Carbohydrate returns nearly one carbondioxide for one oxygen, while fat returns only 0.7 CO2 to one oxygen. The remainder goes into water production, along with additional water. 

Burning fat creates waste heat, and keeps us warm in winter. If we did not get that waste heat, we would need to create it, so in warm climates, humans can eat carbohydrates, while in cold regions, fat is the natural fuels. But the real difference is that once we become free of fructose and insulin, fat can be released to supply the body with energy, and appetite is much less, making staying on a food supply less that our habitual quantities is easier. Not that habitual quantities are another core value that must be changed. To reduce the insulin, we must reduce (eliminate) carbohydrates. 

This will meet with resistance, from the addict, habit, spiritual, emotional, physical, core values, intellect, ego, super ego, id, and other parts of us. Each part of us must be sold the idea, or convinced of the need for change, and never returning to the old ways. Perseverance is the only way to become completely convinced. To unlearn the old ideas, and learn new concepts that a more correct, or just more useful than the old concepts. We all harbour wrong concepts. We need to replace the wrong and harmful ideas.  

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Future of obesity education

The issue of obesity does not fall into any one profession, but is a conglomerate falling partly into many. Many professions, medical, psychiatric, and nutrition, sociologist, psychologist, as well as religious, food sciences, all take turns at this. It is a free for all. Many of us exobese have written books. It is clear that it is not in the interest of the government, the medical industry, the pharmacy industry, Big Ag, or Big Pharma to produce a real solution to the obesity problem. We are on our own. It is up to the individual to save ourselves, to pull ourselves up by our own boot straps as it were. It is up to the individual. Each individual. Perhaps somewhere in the future, the government will get real and start to help, but until then, we are on our own. 

One of the early realizations is that we must change our thinking in radical ways, or at least what may seem radical at the first look. We are not starting in the same place and likely have different views, hence, what we need to change may be different. Persistence, perseverance, continuing to change, until sufficient change has occurred to bring about an end to the problem is required. 

We are forced to struggle against the current of advertising, marketing, the media, and time. It is not a struggle for the faint of heart, the weak of spirit, or they can grab onto a God, and blindly follow. 

What have I learned in the struggle?  It is a struggle, and we get none or little support. We can seek verbal support, and receive some verbal support, but there is always someone pushing food, everywhere.  It is not in the public interest to produce an environment that is free of temptations, sugars, eatable products, for we live in a sell sell sell world. 

Haroldism. Never get into a pissing contest with a skunk.  That is what we are in. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg

Sunday, July 1, 2012



You've got to divorce yourself from the past and find a different way of living. And you can never go back,” he says, describing his rules as a complete lifestyle change that won't be easy.

This is true, but the new way of life is the question? It is only part about foods, the remainder is about life. Ultimately, what stops people? - not enough time, resources or resolve to do what is necessary? inability to find out what is necessary?

Stress, (any form, chronic, distress, social, isolation, mental, desires, delusions, beliefs, abuse, fear, trapped, best of bad solutions, etc) drive up cortisol, ghrelin, and hence hunger. 

Sharma http://newme-freshstart.blogspot.ca/2012/07/why-i-love-canada-weight-debate-edition.html

I really tried to watch this but 1:15, I could not take it any longer. A bunch of thin people arguing over obesity, and none of them clearly have a solution that can work long term. I have at least some of the solution, and know the next part of my solution, but am unwilling to do it yet. Oh well, they get paid, I do not.

I cannot figure out how to make a dollar off my solution yet, as it is about changing thinking about this problem. The obesity entrepreneur, but not yet.

If we were to put 100 exobese people in a room, could we describe a path to exobesity?