Not Yet Fatal Attraction... to food. It has not yet killed me, but it is making life miserable.So is the attraction to food something we can escape from?
Is free will, morality, and choice real or a illusion? Sam Harris thinks free will is not what we think it is. The Stoics realized that free will was not entirely free, it was only for the things up to us. So if food addiction is real, as it seems to be, how does one escape the grasp? Religion seems to have a partial answer, but religion is based on lies, so those who are susceptible to lies have an out. But what about those of us who reject religion, and try to rely on reality?
Some things are up to me and some are not. OK. But how does one resits the ongoing desire to eat in the presence of food? That is the reality.
Plato had his concept of knowledge. There is the object, our opinion of the object, and that is a low form of knowledge. There are concepts, eidos, that we learn about, that are eternal, unchanging, and real. There is also fiction, that masquerade as concepts; no these are concepts, just not real ones. Gods are just fiction concepts. It is part of thinking, all handling concepts, eidos, some of which are real and some which are not. Simple. It is all eidos or concepts. Oh well. Where does this leave us.
Free will and will power are just concepts, eidos. Each person has various amounts and that varies on the subject. Food, I have little free will to choose, for I was trained at an early age, second nature, epigenetic, what ever. Memory and understanding are two separate facilities, which are overrun by habit, also a separate facility. That is the problem, so what is the fix?
Rigorous Honesty, in the search of recovery from gross obesity. Mainly opinion, not advice. Some speculation, some errors, some fiction. Sugar, grain and processed products are not food. Omega 6 oil and dairy should be mainly avoided.
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