
Our new view:

The objective is to find treatment, so the order of treatment of the problems may be important.

Common descriptions of the issues:

  • Metabolic syndrome, aka Carbohydrate intolerance
  • Conditioned Hypereating, aka habit, carbohydrate intolerance
  • Food Addiction ... consuming hyperpalatable foods.  
  • Emotional overeating, aka stress refeed,  


1Spiritual / belief disorders, - treatment - reprogramming. (this is where my greatest changes have occurred) Developing the desire to overcoming - ignorance, apathy, greed, aversion, delusion, attachment-  and do something about the problem. Those who do not care cannot be helped. Some will understand and for those, I will carry on.
  1. Core beliefs are those we never think about, but cause us trouble. Future must be changed in the now. To survive, we must change and never go back. take no prisoners. 3 moderate meal per day. no smacks. no sugar. no wheat. no processed foods. Core beliefs can be changed. They are part of ego, a construct of the mind, reflection of other collective egos, impersonal, and impermanent.
  2. Compulsive Overeating, a behavioural addiction, (as opposed to the atypical bulimia, anorexia). Treatment - Schwartz, OA, alternate obsession with 3 moderate meals per day, and work or live the remainder of the time.
  3. Sugar Addiction, a substance addiction. (dopamine circuit) Treatment - complete abstinence. May also include fructose addition, and fruit may also need to be excluded.
  4. Grain Addiction, a substance addiction. (serotonin circuit) wheat, gluten and/or gladin, amepectin A, or carbohydrate in general - Treatment complete abstinence.
  5. Over production of gehlin, chronic stress, chronic distress, chronic abuse, trapped, ... Treatment ???
  6. Over appetite stimulation - Treatment - remove all appetite stimulus... coffee, alcohol, sugar, grains, great tasting processed food, chocolate, etc. Reward theory- 
  7. Cravings - Treatment - supplements as required, removal of triggers... temptation.
  8. Hunger - removal of fructose, and glucose, lactose, gladen, gladin, etc, from diet, or what ever is triggering the hunger. Including leptin resistance, insulin blocking leptin signal, fructose blocking leptin signal.
  9. Insulin, low blood sugars - low carb, let the liver produce the required glucose. This includes insulin resistance/ fat locked in issues/ division of energy (Taubes, Lustig)
  10. Tired - go to bed. Angry, lonely, bored, resentful, (get over it - buckup buttercup)
  11. Emotional issues - Deal with it. or become a Buddhist or Stoic. Part of the ego protections, the ego is a construct of the mind, and is impersonal and impermanent, reflection of the collective egos of others.
  12. Personality issues - personality disorders -
  13. lack of food knowledge - ignorance, apathy, greed
  14. other physical, emotional, medical issues 

A frame work for resolving overeating is required to identify and classify the causes of overeating, with the hope that removing or addressing each individual cause, a solution for myself may be found. Bear with me here, this is just a growing list.

  • Uninterested in weight or controlling their weight - no hope of recovery (type 0's)
    • just do not care about themselves, or those around them, apathetic 
    • unwilling to accept that they have a problem
    • unwilling to make the effort
    • too low on their priorities to take the time
    • dislike in knowing the truth
    • too negative to learn
    • too intimidated to learn, unlearn myths, to correct
    • too intimidated, influenced by dietitians who are preaching the government wrong line 
    • just negative toward someone who is forced / obligated / dependent on them / forced to live with them, lack of choice
    • living under or around a control freak, working for a control freak, being unable to leave due to financial reasons, (fear of poverty), fear of being alone, fear of other people, 
  • Physical
    • Hunger / Satiety / Satiation issues
    • Hyper-palatable screws homeostasis
    • only three factor one can control, food choices, amount, spacing, if we can control them
    • Cravings - vitamin and mineral deficient diets
    • Cravings - Food effects, intolerance, allergies that cause cravings, 
    • Mal-absorption - producing deficiencies, causing cravings  
    • body chemistry, BG, insulin, leptin, ....full list... issues
    • carbohydrate intolerance ( Maffetone), what ever you call then
    •  insulin resistance (Eades), metabolic syndrome, hyperinsulinemia (many low carbers), internal starvation ( McGuff) , energy partitioning (Taubes), what ever you call it group of issues
    •  leptin resistance, leptin signal blocked by insulin (Dr Lustig) and fructose issues
    • Sleep issues (need a belly full to sleep)( no carbs, else adrenalin rush near morning), sleep apnea, sleep deportation, insomnia 
    • medications / hormones / drugs (munchies) causing cravings, 
    • some people say some of these are not real, other claim they are very real... what to we actually know... are they real to only subsets of the population, or only when a number of factors occur.
    • Lack of exercise, negative output of energy... cannot burn intake... before hunger occurs... suggest a nutrient problem
  • Spiritual - philosophical - mental -conceptual
    • Lack of knowledge ... food, bio-physics, bio-chemistry, and physiology knowledge that is compatible with each other, believing popular myths.
    • Social - poor food to choose from, unwilling to say no
    • unwilling to give up "unhealthy for individual" foods- sugar, grains, nuts, cheese, oils, transfats, chocolate, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, etc.
    • unwilling to go without real food, do not consider something food, unwilling to go without food, unwilling to fast as protest.
    • Denial that "those" foods are unhealthy, typically grains as above list 
    • Stress eating - unable to handle the stresses of life or situation, adrenalin, cortisol  
    • Habit
    • enjoyment of food, celebration, indulgence, rather than sticking to new lifestyle. dropping back to previous lifestyle, 
    • moving from external to internal motivation, conviction in being right, whats right not who's right.
  • Environmental
    • Poor economy - poor food to choose from, 
    • Chemical in food / Medicines 
    • low nutrition food, deficient vitamins and minerals in diets
    • Living situation, family relationships, livelihood 
    • Living with a negative person
    • unwilling to change there behaviors to accommodate low impulse control person
    • Unwilling to believe that other have a problem with their behavior, it may be the others problem, but will they like the solution, general negative attitude.
  • Emotional
    • Hedonic - pleasure seeking - reward summary at
    • cooping adaption
    • lack of learning of other methods of stress resolution
    • boredom,  indecision, dislike of our work, activities, or boredom due to lack of the same
    • frustration fixation
    • family enmeshment / family tradition / dependence / control freaks
    • ridicule / harassment / bulling defense / insular personality / isolation / more comfortable than being around the abusers
    • low impulse control
    • food temptation - living is a open food environment, usually with a practicing overeater (type 0)
    • food addiction / addiction like hedonic responses
    • Depression .. which came first? Eating pushes serotonin, the feel good hormone, hedonic
    • Obsessive - compulsive