Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Do we need to train ourselves to fast?


My own difficulties might also be improved with fasting according to Fung. So my current question is do many of us need to train ourselves to fast before we become comfortable to do it?

Wells Gray homestead
Bye the way, those are fiddle head ferns past there best by date. The whole fen is just covered with them, from the spring (foreground) to the old cabin. Lovely spot.


  1. Thanks for the shout out, Fred. Besides being fat-adapted and nutrient replete, I'm not sure what one could do to be comfortable fasting. The only time I've felt OK fasting was when I was sick--when a person's blood glucose rises. Back when I was testing mine, it was normally in the 70s when I was well. And there's not much fat on me to burn off (I'm a size 6--I started LC for GI problems). My situation is quite different from those Dr. Fung is referring to.

    Dr. Fung mentioned that groups all over the world fast for religious observance, but the fact is, even Islam grants quite a few exceptions to the rule for health reasons.

  2. Here's what Atkins had to say in his first book: "What's good about fasting is that after 48 hours you're not hungry; but it's hardly a permanent way of life. And three fairly recent studies show that between 59% and 66% of what is lost is not fat tissue, but vital, lean tissue taken from the muscles and vital organs--tissue that you need." A Google Scholar search turns up studies of Muslim athletes training during Ramadan showing the athletes' performance suffered.

  3. I am always gaining or struggling to loose / maintain, even on Paleo like plan. So I therefore need periods of weight lose.

    IMO the primary reason to look at fasting is the increases norepinephrine, and the note that there is little slowdown in metabolism. This could then be used in a "start when upper bound of weight range is encountered." Rather than a 5:2, but a XX kg, then fast until XX is reached, and return to LCHF ancestral type diet. Yo Yo but within limits.

    When I can get on these runs of low intake, I can loose, but it is the getting on that is difficult. When I am on the low intake cycle, it is fairly easy to stay on it, beyond the normal social and family pressures. (baiting) It is essentially a training down in intake willingly, so training down further to a fasting state may be a way to ease into what must be a short term process.

  4. Maybe a pick-me-up on the first day or two of the fast? Espresso, original Sudafed...?

  5. it's becoming obvious to me that some people's livers just don't do gluconeogenesis as seamlessly as others. I don't know if training could help, or herbs, or observing circadian rhythms carefully -- there are SO many variables that could have an impact!


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