Sunday, October 27, 2013

Obesity Recovery

There are at least two separate parts to obesity recover, knowing what must be done, food wise, and second becoming willing to do it. Both are a struggle. Sorting out the real information from opinion in the food world take a bit of understanding. But the real challenge is the doing of it against all the social, environmental, marketing, and cohort pressure.

I need to be happy with my life and happy to follow a strict food plan, essentially paleo minus EVOO, butter, nuts, cheese, but I also need to include a bit of starch- potatoes, else I get too hungry. So I no not fit in any camp, but somewhere between PHD and Paleo, not Atkins, not Dukin, I tend to refer to this as 19th Century, for the lack of a better term.

But the willingness is the issue. Among my fraternity of exobese, I frequently see this as the problem. Gratitude lists, and a feeling of being pleased with the current situation both help. It is really about maintaining that attitude of being pleased that lifts the spirits.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

How wrong can we be?

Overeating is not a moral or psychological issue much of the time. It is often chemical. We are primed today to want tomorrow, later today and next week. In order to get separation, we need a ordered, controlled eating program which does not leave us hungry, nor primed for a feast, in the future.  

Obesity is not about us, but about the food supply, the chemistry hyperpalatable foods, our rushed culture, convenience foods, junk food, and the modern philosophy of shortage of time to cram everything in so that we can sit and watch television. The first step in recover is turning off television, and developing a full and satisfying balanced life live.

What do I mean by balanced? Let us say that we can divide life into categories of time by activity. Wake up, shower, breakfast, commute work, commute, supper, clean up, {{kids, home work bath, bed} read, study, hobbie, visit, classes}bed. Repeat 5 times, plus 2 special days.
Are there things in you life that you are short on, and things you spend too much time on? Does you time match your personality, not just duties, your expectations, others expectations.

Perhaps we need to let go of out expectations, and live in the present, without fear or worry of the future, without regret of the past. Breath, smile, and enjoy the wonders of life. Dao.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


I am thinking now that
weight control is all about satiation.

There is so little information available.
A bit of butter seems to displace
any feeling of satiation.
It is more than a calories thing,
more that a simple palatability thing.
it is complex and even possible chaotic.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Deleting Hyperpalatable

I am cheap,
and will not waste foods,
so last night I ate a
hyperpalatable supper,
a smoked porkchop,
and the nearing the end of
thankings leftovers finally,
cabbage roles and
ham and beans,
but much more of them remain.

Lower or actually normal
palatability food are more filling,
after trying out about three meals,
I can feel the difference.

It occurs to me that any cook
can convert normal palatable into
hyperpalatable food with minor
addition of ingredients and calories.
All we need do is add butter,
add a bit of sauce,
a bit of cheese,
a bit of spices.

Is that all it takes to gain satiation?

Saturday, October 19, 2013


David A Kessler, in his book,
the End of Overeating has
explained why a subset of the population
has a problem.
The essence of the problem is:
High Palatable food is screwing up
satiation in susceptible people.

I am one.

After much muttering about,
clearly defining ever "big" word,
we are a phenotype
(a subset of the population) which:
lack food eating resistance,
lack satiation,
lose control of eating,
and are preoccupied with food.


We represent 50% of the obese,
30% of the overweight,
17% of normal weight people.


The solution is to exclude all
"highly palatable" food from our diet.


So WTF are "highly palatable" foods?

Turns out:
All manufactured products,
aka --layered fats, sugars, and salt,
on a bit of protein or carbohydrates,
all food that combine fats with
starches or carbohydrates,
all foods contain more than trace sugars.

Sounds like Zoe Harcombe diet... sort of.

Few natural food contain both sugar and fats.

But the acid test is to come,
does it work for me?
This is not a big change for me:
no salad dressing,
no butter on vegetables
no ketchup, not even the dab that I use.

But this is not how he expresses it all.
In his detailed, pleasant and positive manner,
the message is almost lost.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Wants Exploration

Cravings for food are desires, not needs.
They do drive appetite,
which make life difficult when one is drooling.
Desires come in a number of types,
terminal, and instrumental.
They can be logical - rational,
or emotional based.
Eating is a conditioned response
that becomes habitual, aka unconscious.
Advertising raises emotional desires,
which in turn raise appetite.

Now lets try to straighten this spaghetti.

This is trying to put
David Kessler work on why we eat
together with On Desire by William Irvine.

So when I see food, and it is available to me
I have a hedonic emotional terminal desire to eat.
Emotional hedonic terminal desires are the
strongest desires, the largest dopamine response.
If I eat, it (did) or would develop into a habit.
So I have become habituated
or conditioned to eating,
wanting to eat, desiring to eat
when I see food (cue), and it is available.

Pavlov's dogs come to mind
So what are the treatment options.
I am now aware that it is an
irrational emotional terminal desire
and should be ignored.
The ultimate human purpose
is to work from irrational emotions
toward reason and rational actions.
Is that enough?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Industrial Fat Machine

Do we humans stand a chance of being normal weight against the industrial selling more products machine?

The cause of obesity is research and the industral selling machine.

So no industrial products, eliminate tv and food advertising from our life. AKA return to 19th century. Real food, not to much.

Some thing are up to us, and somethings are not. Our appetite is not up to us, but what we put in our mouths is, so some of us are doomed to go through life drooling like a Newfie, a large wet mouth hound.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why do I eat or overeat?

The why of overeating is elusive,
but yet there is reasons.
First, it has nothing to do with hunger,
this is a separate problem.
When real food, 19th century diet,
is not enough to control weight,
we must rely on something more.
Food science gives some idea of portions.

David Kessler divides eating into
Habit and Goal directed eating.

Habit is automatic response to cue;
place, location, presence of food.
It is unconscious, movements starts
before we are aware of the stimulus.
It is programed by repetitive behavior.
To stop, remove the cue.

Food advertisement does not apply.
This starts the appetites,
which then starts
emotional goal seeking behaviour,
a cat of a different stripe.

Goal seeking or goal directed is a
parallel but different circuit.
It starts as a goal, becomes
conscious, thinking, desiring,
and taking deliberate steps
to satisfy the desires.
It can be a cue for habitual eating behaviour,
rendering TV watching dangerous,
a weapon of diet disruption or amassing girth.

Now we can take a step back
and look at desires.
These can be logical, philological,
or emotional.
Emotional are the strong ones.
Desires can be terminal, or instrumental,
one more piece of the chain to the goal.

Hunger is philological,
while growing a garden is logical, maybe.

So how does all this provide a solution.
First we need to prevent habitual eating,
and then provide only a small moderate
neutral meal at meal times,
moving the reason to eat
from emotional to rational, logical.
And then fill life between meals and
before bedtime with other activities
that we like more than eating.
There is the rub.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Just realized

We humans do not stand a chance
of remaining healthy and
normal weight
if we eat any industrial processed foodstuffs.
These are products,
not foods.

Conditioned hypereating
is a learned behavior.
We unintentionally learned
from our body responses.
It includes anxiety overeating,
that is refeeding after the
anxiety (or stress) condition
has been removed.
(as typical after school feeding)

Glucose-insulin overdose,
hyperinsulinemia, food addiction,
behavioral addictions,
wheat / opioid addictions,
and perhaps eating disorders
are all a result
of conditioned hypereating.

If it can be learned,
it can be unlearned.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Turkey Soup Day Tomorrow

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving,
to all christians and other celebrants.
Today is likely turkey leftover day,
tomorrow maybe turkey soup day.

As my wife had to do a turkey,
tomorrow will be a making soup day.
The soup to be frozen and served
over and over, as she wants it.

Definition of eternity: two people
and a turkey.

But we had 17 yesterday,
so there is not a lot of turkey,
but as I am concerned,
no turkey would be better.

As this is all conditioned overeating,
it is better to see it pass,
without cueing anybody to want to eat.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Ketosis and confusion

They may understand perfectly
but I am still confused.

We have broadly two "sources"
of ketone, one our fat, and two,
our food supply. So the
liver makes ketones from fats,
muscles, and other cells take up ketones.

So the level of ketone in the blood
is not steady state, but a flux level.
Storage will occur above some level,
and diffusion of fat occurs
from the fat cells at some lower level.
Does that not imply there are three ranges,
one low when ketones are
coming out of the fat cells,
a normal range in the centre,
and high fat storage range.

Insulin must be relative low
for this to happen, always,
aka, blood glucose is low-normal,
and relatively stable.

The kidneys fail to do complete re-uptake,
so some ketones leak to the waste.
So if wasting is happening,
we must have ketones in the blood,
therefore we a burning ketones, not glucose.
But this is a big stretch is it not,
we are wasting ketones, therefore
the ketone concentration is high,
but we do not know the source.

For weight control, aka weight loss,
we need it to be coming from stored
fat, not fresh ingested fat.
So we need to eat enough fat to
feed the gut, with first pass effect.
We need, long term, to feed the body,
after we are at "ideal weight".
Does it matter what ketone level
we are at?
Does the ketone level not going low
mean that we are well fed
relative to our need?
AKA we have a food supply?
We lose the fastest we can
when we are the source of fat.

So all this is just to hid
from the idiot box,
with the ongoing food cues,
to apply David Kessler's cure.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Appetite today is dependent
on what I ate yesterday. WTF.

Appetite has a lag effect.
One, two, three days.

Wheat; gluten, and opioid peptides
increase appetite tomorrow. (W. Davis)
Fructose suppresses satiation tomorrow. (Lustic)
Stress and anxiety cause a
refeed appetite surge
after the stress is released. (Capital Health)

Food Addiction, Behavioral Addiction,
eat today, desire more later, and tomorrow.

But what about cravings
that never go away?

Cortisol, and chronic low grade stress:
Now how do I deal with that?

Life is none of my concern.
What is there to stress over?

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Obamacare vs Canadian Health care

As a Canadian, I have no interest in US situation, but I think you guys have not understood the millstone that Obama has hung around your necks. There is an issue that results from government funding health care, and that is a ballooning health care budget and system, as the population gets sicker. The attitude of the people has changed here, as a direct result of medicare.

It is illogical and just stupid to expect the health care system, which depends on us getting sick to grow, to tell us how to stay well or get well. They even fudge their own studies. They grow their industry. Oh well, it is government, and Medicare is now a government protected industry.

Canadian system is paid out of general revenues, while the US system has an additional tax that only the people with money can pay. King Ralph (Alberta), before he left office, said it, "The cost will kill us, if we do not fix it now, but there is no political will to fix it." Oh well, Ralph is dead now.

It is nice to say that everyone has equal access and will get the best of care. But what about the queue jumping that happens? "It does not happen", but sit in a waiting room and watch. It is not queue jumping, but bumping to the critical list that occurs, AKA, treat immediately.

When someone else is paying for the cost of stupid activities, lack of caution, and a fake belief that the doctors can and should be able to fix anything, we have stopped taking care of ourselves, and doing what is necessary to prevent the need of medical attention.

Some people knew sixty years ago that physically demanding jobs, dangerous jobs, grain rich diets, sugar, too much fruit, sports injuries, risky behaviors, and the like were too dangerous for their involvement. Further, they knew that for health, they had to take care of themselves, as their ancestors had done. They told us, but we were not listening. Oh well, "we have medicare, and workers compensation" was our attitude. Now we pay and pay and pay.

But with everyone piling onto the system, how long can we afford it?

The medical system is extremely well paid, above the first line. Management is "management" heavy, few helpers, and a lot of qualified medical personnel, with hefty pay checks. No private companies operate like that. Oh, well, it is government.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Opioid based food addiction

Do some of us product opioids
as a result of eating some foods?


So if we are addicted to food,
is it the opioid? Likely.

So what foods?
Wheat, barley... Glutins, Gladins
And dairy proteins,
butter, cheese

So abstinence is the way
out of addiction.

Now no butter, no cheese.

But the question is are we more sensitive
than normal people to opioids, or
do we produce more, as have
the enzyme to split the opioid peptide
out of the protein chains?