Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cravings, a number of separate causes

In an exchange between and myself, it is apparent to me, once again, that there are numerous causes of cravings, some physical as insulin induced food partitioning, mineral and vitamin deficiencies, and mental induced cravings, from abundance of hypepalatable food, susceptible to advertising, and temptation, life with compulsive over feeders. Some people do not accept that other cause even exist.

Each separate type of craving requires a different approach. The physical are easy to deal with: a good vegetable and animal diet, a bit of fish, perhaps a few supplements. The mental cause are not so easy: especially our life is adjacent to food, or involves other people who happen to practicing overeaters, disordered eater, or other foodies. Add other issues and...

Those of us with low impulse control need to control our environment more to avoid the cravings, because without avoiding the cravings we will eat. Avoiding the food is also necessary. Where we are not in a supportive situation, this is not easy. Xmas shit make it even worse.

Controlling our environment will mean life changes, habit changes. Very little TV, no prepared food available, and at the same time, allowing the wife complete freedom. Not possible. Something must go. Reminds me of a song.

Friday, December 23, 2011

How Does one Philosophy Replace a Earlier one?

How Does one Philosophy Replace a earlier one?

With this being the Yule season, lets look at the Christmas concept to see how theologys have replaced earlier ones. First was the yule, shortest day, change of season, equinox tribal culture feasts, perhaps gathering of the clan, likely a feast, traditional equivalent to a pot luck, or eat what you got type celebration before the winter. Christians came along 2000 years ago and hijacked that with a rebirth of the new year/birth of their god. Churches added domination, control by fear, Hell concepts, (damnation, purgatory ), profiteering. It evolved, the Germans added a tree, Norse add rain deer, the English added gifting, and the modern era has taken it to excess in every way possible. This morning, on the radio, there was a charity beg-a-thon. Oh well, shit happens. ( it used to be--- so we stopped for a beer.)

It is not replacement as much as displacement and augmentation. Philosophy work the same way, often light sneaky pressure, availability, a better idea, a new idea, a meme here and there. Displacement, augmentation, never completely replacing, but often improving. It is the old tribal cultures that try to force their philosophy on the young and others. Logical will sell, and be picked up because it is better, more true, or superior in some way. Even Buddha alluded to this, in his "do not take because the elders, teachers or other say, but test it, and if it is right, adopt and live up to it" speech.

With food we need to reject outright some new stuff: sugars, fertilized grains, manufactured eatable products, perhaps some imported/transported fruits, and keep control on volume some way.

When we sit back and look, we are not the same as we were, in our youth or earlier. We are in a constant stat of flux, impermanence. One more for Buddha.

Atkins diet, or Maffetone Two week test is a sudden change in our lives, but I drift after that toward lower carbohydrate, real food. Sugar is more or less gone, grains, more of less gone, manufactured eatable products, more or less gone. I now eat real foods, without much preparations. (except for sausages). I like to think of it as something I could make, and generally have at least once in the past. I still have a weight problem, but it is much smaller, but not a nutrition problem. We have tested the status quo, and found it lacking. Some of us have adopted some portion of diet changes.

I still have a life problem; I just do not want to do anything. I feel like the way I see others acting... ( you know who they are) : no motivation, no desire to do much, no enthusiasm... but it is politically incorrect to name them. I need a energy transplant, a motivational transplant, something.

Monday, December 19, 2011


What should breakfast be?

I lost weight with a breakfast of 2 eggs, some kind of greens or flax in those eggs, perhaps bacon, but more often potatoes, fried in animal fat. Occasionally a can of salmon or tuna, or burger paddy.

Jack Krause (leptin reset) recommends 50 to 75 grams of protein. That is too much, because I am hungry after too soon. I do agree protein, but the fat fried potatoes, still hard, kill hunger for a long time, and do not raise my BG very much. Oh, well, one more Doctors recommendation tested and proven unsatisfactory for me. Sharma recommends frequent meals, but that does not let leptin reset, if it is a leptin problem. Back to potatoes and eggs with vegetables.

Anything that raises BG is out, so is fruit. Fruit tastes just fine, but does not have the hunger holding off power needed. Such is life. Buddha said something like if we find something that works, stick to it. I think I will.

The leptin diet rules
1. Never eat after dinner. Finish eating dinner at least three hours before bed.  
2. Eat three meals a day. Allow 5-6 hours between meals. Do not snack!  
3. Do not eat large meals. Finish a meal when you are slightly less than full.  
4. Eat a high protein breakfast.  
5. Reduce the amount of carbs eaten.  

It appears that leptin satiation is more the absence of hunger than the insulin satiation, enough feeling. It is the absence of hunger that I need to have, not the insulin satiation. One more to live up to.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Leptin Kick

This fellow has the idea of a Leptin Kick

Lustic claims insulin is blocking the signaling.

The only thing is that the effect is real. It takes very little food to set of the effect, whether it is the leptin kick or a rise in insulin, blocking leptin signaling. Hunger and cravings follow. To avoid the meals need to be small, all of the time.

Sharma has started to look at carb control through the days at

My comment: Why stop at just low carbohydrate through the day? We humans need very few carbohydrates, adequate protein, and a bit of Omega 3 fats. The remainder of required energy can be made up of carbohydrates or fats. We are going to get enough O6 regardless of what we eat. Lots of vegetables to provide minerals and vitamins, and fat works. Without large insulin production, hunger is not as much of an issue.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Social Engineering

social engineering
(Sociology) the manipulation of the social position and function of individuals in order to manage change in a society

assumption -- "Belief systems exert a greater control on human behavior than laws imposed by government, no matter what form the beliefs take".

Social Engineering is the concept of planned events to bring about a change in the social fabric of society. For example, suppose the government wanted to fatten society up, what would they do? Make food ever available, economical (heavily subsidized), hyper-palatable, high in carbohydrates, addicting, heavily advertised, and socially encouraged to eat any time we could. Grain (starches, iodine will blacken) fits the bill best, with a little help from sugar and omega 6 low cost fats. Is this a conspiracy? Well, do you thing the government is that organized?

Now perhaps the escape from the obesity epidemic will be social engineered? I do not think so. It would mean the end of Big AG and big Pharma. Not likely from a government initiative. There is insufficient political will. The knowledge is readily available within the low carbohydrate net community. The government and much of the medical community is not supporting such a movement, for low carb would mean a end of big AG, big Pharma, big medicine, and erosion of the income of those peoples.

The world has only perhaps seven day of fresh food ahead, but the process system is quite good and keeps us, in North America, at about this level. Grain is another matter. At this time of the year, we have well over one year's supply, perhaps closer to two years supply. If we were to cut animal feed to a minimum, perhaps three years. It makes scene from a supply of fuel point of view to maximize grain production, and not worry about vegetables and meats as much. We humans want our meats, so we keep the system sort of running; however, in some areas, we are not doing so well. Just a few years ago, on the way into town, I would drive by perhaps a thousand head of beef on the hoof. Now, I cannot see a single one. Mad Cow, and the pricing has destroyed the viability of beef here. No dairy anymore either. All gone elsewhere. A few horse as pets, a bit of GM grains, and a bit of hay because its's there. As the demand for food occurs, the agriculture industry will respond. The demand change will not be quick. We will have time to adapt.

Social engineering has two components, education, learning, training, a cerebral portion,  and the application, or the action portion. To beat the overeating issue, obesity issue, whatever we call it, the cerebral portion must come first for lasting success. Following a prescriptive diet will work as long as we can stay on it, but without the logic and social pressure to stay on it, success will not last. That is where education, learning, about food and why we should eat in a particular way is so critical to lasting recovery. Social change will follow.

We can break the cerebral portion into dissatisfaction with the present condition, desire for change, some less than useful learning directions, surplus information, wrong information, misdirection, before we find and get a fix on the proper channel. Once we get it, we need to grow that knowledge outwards from us, because it will not have official government support. It may even have government resistance.

The main thing such a movement would need is a clear purpose beyond recovery of ourselves. Create a sustainable food movement, where all aspects of human healthy diet are logically considered as well as propagation of that knowledge to others could be a lofty enough of purpose. Good human health, with food as medicine. Social reform into a healthy society. Understanding of Social Engineering. Understanding the workings of a healthy mind. Understanding humanity. Separating tribal customs/religions/ from reality. All of the above. None of the above. I do not know. 

Life Between Meals

Weight loss is as much about life between meals as it is the consumption of real food. We need activity that we enjoy. Work that is drudgery drags me down so bad that I look for any excuse to do something else, even eat or more precisely, it become difficult to avoid eating. But the drudgery need to be done. Self-employment has it's down sides. What are the choices, pay heavily for the drudgery or do it? I can make more money doing the drudgery than the work I like, so do it I must. Oh well, shit happens.

Perhaps I can move it up my priority list, and thereby getting small doses at a time, but frequent doses.

Priority lists are a great concept for sorting out what is important. What is more important; a bit of money or a ugly project? What more important; a bit of money or a client who wants to control what I approve or a design parameter that they know nothing about?

Decisions become easy when we are not desperate for cash.

There are so many people studding obesity, and so few studding the recovery, and what makes the mind and body make that turn to normal weight, normal eating, and what that really is. It is that turn to "normal eating" that is so difficult. Maintenance of  near normal weight is maintaining the thought process that allowed recovery long term. It is appetite management, avoiding cravings and hunger, avoiding addiction, compulsions, and enjoying life as well. Not easy for an obsessive compulsive. I need something healthy to obsess over, that is not tiring. Oh well, it might happen.

I do not enjoy writing nor do It well enough for it to become an obsession. Time to get back to work.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

The reason diet fail

There are a number reasons that diets fail in my case. Hunger, cravings, temptations, social pressure, bad information and excessive appetite.

The time to hunger, the period of time between food and hunger, is influenced by the rate of emptying of the stomach among other things. Carbohydrates are absorbed first at a rate of about 12 grams/ minute, proteins at 4, and fats at 2. There is also delays with protein and fats getting to a suitable section of intestine. Ease of digestion also impacts. Cooking and pulverization make a big difference. Consider 120 grams (~100 calories) of a mashed potato without fats verse a saturated animal fat pan fried potato, still solid. The first has a GI of 75 and the second perhaps 20. Also with the first I would be hungry in less that 1 hour, while the second perhaps 6 hours. Perhaps 150 calories of saturated fat. big difference. 100 cal/hr vs 43 cal/hr. Eat some saturated animal fat, some omega 3 fat at every meal. Saturated fats are not equal.

Cravings seem to be caused by high insulin and dropping blood sugar, likely keep fat from coming out of the fat cells. When I eat carbs, this happens. The only way to avoid his is to avoid carbohydrates. Omega 6 oils encourage excess insulin/insulin resistance/insulin effects, and make it much worse. Avoid.

Wheat, sugar, hype-tasty foods all stimulate appetite. Avoid.  Social pressure and bad information is something that should be avoided, or instantly released as the words of an idiot, empty prattle, or other similar concept. Sorting good information and bad is an issue.

The obesity issue is not a single problem but a long list of factors, all of which must be identified, addressed and corrected for long term recovery. Some have one or another of the problems, some have multiple problems. There are too many people insisting that others are wrong, just because they do not have that specific issue.

I  will not, any longer, comment on the sites beyond leaving an note saying I disagree, and my comments are on my site. Bate them.

Reasons to not eat wheat


Friday, December 9, 2011

Pick on Sharma

Sharma at site points out the problem weakly, not clearly. I thought about posting a comment, but after the last exchange with one of his/the party line disciples, I decided not to lead with my chin.

The food industry (big agriculture, big AG) pushes sugar in all forms, which we know consumption of is the cause of diabetes/metabolic syndrome, and the pharmaceutical industry (big Pharma) pushes drugs. Both generate "grate" profits. (yes it bugs me).  Researchers study the whole thing, funded by both, and will never find an answer, for when they do, they will be unemployed.

We all know there are two method of treating diabetes/metabolic syndrome, eat sugars and cover it with drugs, or quit eating sugars, and some will need treatment, but much less. It is their individual choice.

To avoid sugar, eat labor intensive organic vegetables and grass fed meat, wild fish, with natural animal fat and some natural plant fats. This is what humans ate before 1900, or WWII. The big AG and big Pharma cannot make money of that; it is also difficult to collect taxes off. There are also too many people to feed, but we richer/growers can survive. The remainder will get sicker and sicker, until evolution changes man to something that can live off sugar. Those who's lines who cannot adapt will simply die off, or live as described.

There is little government support for such a diet/lifestyle, likely due to lack of taxing ability/revenue on home grown. Big AG and big Pharma are not going to get behind such a movement. So the medical/nutrition/metabolic profession has a choice, stay free of big AG and big Pharma or be seen as part of the money cycle of big AG and Pharma. The choice is yours. Live sick or live well.

As an old AA said, "yha can't win a pissing contest with a skunk".

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

shortage of knowledge

A few day ago, as a comment, on Sharma's Blog I stated:

On low carb diet, the management of BG and insulin resistance is done mostly from the low end by the liver, so the problems becomes much smaller. Obesity is the result of insulin resistance. To beat obesity, we must manage insulin resistance.
Biochemical hunger, biochemical cravings and appetite control are all much easier to deal with from a good low carbohydrate diet, as are weight issues. Here is a video that describes a good low carbohydrate diet for other reasons:
Later some one claimed to not be insulin resistant, and that insulin resistance is not the problem. So I responded:

Not Insulin resistant, EH. By what measurement? To gain weight, part of you is insulin resistant.
Insulin in the portal vein is 2 to ten time higher concentration than circulating. In order for the majority of insulin and glucose to get past the liver, the liver becomes insulin resistant. First pass effect. Once glucose starts circulating, the muscles suck up most, (also a first pass effect) until they are getting near full, and then each cell becomes insulin resistant, as the method of stopping over feeding. The fat cells are still taking in glucose and fat. The insulin resistance test is looking at whether the fat cells are insulin resistant. Once those at cells become insulin resistant, we are on our way to excess glucose, and all those related problem. Insulin resistance starts in the liver, and then muscle cells, before the fat. Look it up in biochemical references. By the time the test says “insulin resistant” we are well in weight gain, and likely dealing with obesity issues.
To really beat the weight problem, we must eat to deal with insulin resistance at the liver, and maintain insulin sensitivities at the muscle cells level.
Good diet is a learned, both information and behavior. The problem comes when we have biochemical, social, emotional cravings of hungers, or food clue hyperpalatability appetite stimulus issues that get us started into overeating/addiction or addiction like behaviors, which we then must overcome along with the other listed.
It is not a single problem, but a whole group that must be overcome in one massive strike, with lots of external resistance and wrong information from all sides.
The only way to develop a suitable diet is with real information about the food and what it does to our body. We need very little carbohydrate, adequate protein, and some essential fats. The remainder can come from either fat or carbohydrates. The downside of carbohydrates is high insulin, insulin resistance, and appetite stimulation. As a ex-obese person, I do not need appetite stimulation.

We also need income, exercise, activities, enjoyment, education, philosophy, social life, and a bunch of other things.

Weight is a surrogate measurement for health. The weight of it's self is not critical, but it is a measurement of how things are going. Weight change is critical, as are vital signs.

Take humans, with a continuous supply of hyper palatable foods, add appetite stimulating foods, hunger stimulating foods, good marketing and political support for the marketing of food and you have obesity everywhere, our current situation.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Evolution of Man

Mankind is evolving. In a post a few days ago, there was a quote from Lenoir et al. 2007.

In most mammals, including rats and humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet tastants. The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction.

Sugar is in the process of killing off those who are not adapting to our new sugar rich and starch rich environment. We can choose to go along with nature and get sick, hopefully be kept alive by medicine, or eat the way nature intended us to. This video shows a good low carb diet for other reasons. Perhaps 2 cups of each is reasonable for normal person. Iodine is not optional.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Social Pressure

Sharma says:
At this moment I am sitting in a session on obesity in ethnic populations listening to talks on why, for e.g., the very concept of weight loss goes against many traditional cultures and indeed, losing weight or being skinny is neither socially desirable nor a sign of good health.
Emotional, social pressure is not just in "ethnic" population. I was raised in such an environment, but of course that was a "ethnic" home. What home is not "ethnic"?

It was likely less hassle for my parent to overfeed me, than anything else. It was all about get through life, getting through this summer, getting through winter, more than living in the present. Weight control was not an issue of interest to them. That was life. Today the Canadian government does not support low carb life style in there food guide, nor does Sharma. How can I believe they are serious about having a healthy population? 

Does the belief system of my youth, that I am attempting to revisit, and root out all the non-rational beliefs, effect or control my attitude to weight management? So perhaps I still retain some wrong beliefs that are causing me problem in today's society. More reason to abandon anything that is not based on logic. Ban all religion from my life. Christmas be gone. It is one more pagan/religious occasion where the compulsive over feeders and competitive cookers of the world shine. I will just have steak, thank you.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


From a paper quoted at

There is now evidence that comparable dopaminergic responses are linked with food reward and that these mechanisms are also likely to play a role in excessive food consumption and obesity. It is well known that certain foods, particularly those rich in sugars and fat, are potently rewarding (Lenoir et al. 2007). High-calorie foods can promote over-eating (eating that is uncoupled from energetic needs) and trigger learned associations between the stimulus and the reward (conditioning). In evolutionary terms, this property of palatable foods used to be advantageous in environments where food sources were scarce and/or unreliable, because it ensured that food was eaten when available, enabling energy to be stored in the body (as fat) for future use. Unfortunately, in societies like ours, where food is plentiful and constantly available, this adaptation has become a liability.

 particularly those rich in sugars and fat, are potently rewarding (Lenoir et al. 2007) ...... but Lenoir et al. 2007... is... Intense Sweetness Surpasses Cocaine Reward. Nothing about fat. His conclusion:

Our findings clearly demonstrate that intense sweetness can surpass cocaine reward, even in drug-sensitized and -addicted individuals. We speculate that the addictive potential of intense sweetness results from an inborn hypersensitivity to sweet tastants. In most mammals, including rats and humans, sweet receptors evolved in ancestral environments poor in sugars and are thus not adapted to high concentrations of sweet tastants. The supranormal stimulation of these receptors by sugar-rich diets, such as those now widely available in modern societies, would generate a supranormal reward signal in the brain, with the potential to override self-control mechanisms and thus to lead to addiction.

Thursday, December 1, 2011